Monthly Archives

September 2024

Pressure on the “Bank of Family” grows

By | Financial Planning

With house prices staying close to all-time highs, finding a deposit for a house purchase remains a challenge for many buyers. As a result, an increasing number of prospective home buyers are turning to wider family for financial assistance, either to get their first leg up onto the property ladder or move to a larger property to better suit a growing family.

By gifting a deposit, parents can help their children increase the amount they can borrow on a mortgage, in turn enabling them to buy a home which would be impossible without the financial assistance. We have also seen instances where family gifts have been used to reduce an existing mortgage debt, leading to lower monthly mortgage repayments and easing the financial burden.

Growing trend

A recent study by Legal & General reported that a total value of £9.2bn will be gifted by parents, grandparents and other family members to help fund house purchases this year, an increase of 13% on the £8.1bn gifted for this purpose in 2023. The same study sees the pace of gifts accelerating, with the amount gifted likely to reach an aggregate of £11.3bn in 2026. Legal & General’s research also showed the average gift made has jumped to £27,400. Similar research from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) found that 42% of all property purchased by those aged under 55 this year was in part funded by a gift from family.

Traps lie in wait for the unwary

Whilst gifting funds is generally well intentioned, parents and grandparents should consider the consequences of their actions before proceeding.

Firstly, any gift made could have potential Inheritance Tax consequences. Each individual can make gifts of £3,000 per Tax Year and therefore a married couple could gift £6,000 of capital (plus £3,000 each from the previous Tax Year if not used) without any Inheritance Tax concerns. As highlighted by the Legal & General research, this is some way short of the average amount of financial help provided. Any amount gifted above the gift exemption is treated as a Potentially Exempt Transfer (PET). No Inheritance Tax is due immediately; however, the person making the gift needs to live seven years from the date the gift is made, for the gift to fully escape Inheritance Tax.

Parents and grandparents also need to be aware that a gift is absolute. If the child buys a property jointly with an unmarried partner, the consequences of relationship breakdown could mean that “family wealth” is unprotected, if the property is later sold. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence, and all parties involved should seek specialist legal advice to determine how gifted deposits are dealt with.

Some parents might consider co-ownership with their children, as an alternative to gifting funds outright. This needs very careful thought, as this option is likely to incur an additional Stamp Duty levy, if the parent already owns a property. Further complications could also arise if the parents need to release funds from the property at some point in the future.

Protecting your financial security

Parents and grandparents making gifts need to carefully consider their own financial requirements before taking any action. The Legal & General research shows that 40% of those gifting deposits are using cash savings and investments to fund the gift, and 12% are accessing pension savings for this purpose. As a result, many older family members gifting money are financially less secure after making the gift.

Most calls to the “Bank of Mum and Dad” are when parents are typically in their 50s or 60s. This is a time when parents should be concentrating on their retirement plans, and gifting funds at this time can not only mean that cash or investments are unavailable to cover unexpected expenditure, but also affect their income in retirement.

Parents typically want to ensure that their children are treated equally, and this could lead to added financial pressure. Gifting funds to one child, for example, may increase the expectation that a similar gift is also made to other children in the future. This could be at a time when available funds are limited or being used to fund retirement.

Planning ahead

Given the findings of the Legal & General survey, and our own experience of advising clients in this situation, it would be wise to think ahead and begin putting aside funds to give children a helping hand onto the property ladder. One option is to fund the child’s Junior Individual Savings Account (ISA) with regular contributions over time. It is important to note that the returns achieved on the underlying cash or investments within the Junior ISA will dictate the amount available to the child, and therefore careful consideration needs to be given in respect of the choice of investment. The other risk with a Junior ISA is that the account can be accessed when the child turns 18, which may well be too early for the funds to be used for its intended purpose. An alternative is to place funds in a separate investment portfolio, where the parent or grandparent can keep control of the funds. This could be arranged in a tax-efficient manner, for example, by using an Investment Bond.

Getting the right advice

We strongly recommend that parents and other family members, faced with calls on the generosity of the “Bank of Family”, take advice, as there are a number of financial and legal considerations that need careful consideration. At FAS, we regularly are called on to provide such advice to parents and grandparents, including the most appropriate method of funding the gift, and the potential financial impact of any actions taken on their financial security. We can also provide advice on appropriate investment solutions where parents and grandparents can regularly save to build a capital sum for their children or grandchildren’s future.  Speak to one of our experienced financial planners for independent and expert advice.

The importance of regular reviews

By | Financial Planning

Taking control of your financial future can bring numerous benefits, and the key to any successful strategy is to take the time to plan ahead. Whilst the original planning stage is critical, it is equally important to review your financial plans at regular intervals, to ensure that the strategy remains on track to reach your financial goals and takes account of changing circumstances and evolving market conditions.

Think of financial planning as a garden

One way to visualise the importance of financial planning reviews is to consider the process in the same way as you would if you were planning a garden. At the outset, you will make careful plans as to the layout of flowerbeds and the positions of shrubs and other plants; however, as the seasons pass, without regular maintenance, the most attractive of gardens when first planted can begin to look unruly. Plants that show vigorous growth can overtake others and without regular pruning and maintenance, growth can be difficult to keep in check. There may be plants that begin to struggle, and these may need extra attention or indeed be replaced by plants more suited to the conditions. Long-term trends, such as changes in the weather, can impact on the type of plant that thrives in the prevailing conditions.

Changes in our lives could also mean our imaginary garden needs to adapt to our needs. For example, grandparents may need to make a garden more friendly for grandchildren to play in. Similarly, as we age, it may be appropriate to change the layout, so that the garden is lower maintenance.

Key elements of the process

The financial planning process is very much like designing and planting out a garden. Firstly, by identifying goals that you aim to achieve, you can ensure that actions taken are aligned with your priorities. This could be the purchase of a first home, building up retirement savings for the longer term, or producing an income in retirement.

Once you have identified your goals and objectives, setting out a structured plan will ensure that actions taken are designed to meet these objectives. Advice is, however, perishable and the original advice given may not remain appropriate for changes in life’s circumstances. Having children, facing divorce, ill-health, receiving an inheritance or change in employment are all common examples of situations where financial plans need to adapt to changing circumstances.

By arranging a regular financial planning review with a regulated financial planner, changes in our lives, variances in investment performance and updates to legislation can all be taken into account when considering whether any changes are needed to a financial plan.

Weed out poor performance

One of the key areas that needs to be considered in any financial review is to analyse fund performance. There have been numerous high-profile instances over recent years where so-called “star” fund managers have suffered a period of underperformance after years of producing strong returns. Similarly, it is important to recognise that the global economy is constantly evolving. As a result, the performance of stocks located in different geographic regions and across a range of sectors of the economy, can shift significantly over time. The recent strong performance of companies involved in Artificial Intelligence is a prime example of an investment trend that has only emerged in the last year or two.

The danger you face by not carrying out a regular review of the funds held in an investment portfolio, is that weak performance trends can set in, leading to a poor outcome. Without a regular and detailed review of fund performance, years of underperformance can result in financial goals not being met.

Even if strong investment fund performance has been achieved, investments held outside of a tax-efficient wrapper, such as an Individual Savings Account (ISA) or a pension, need to be regularly reviewed so that issues such as a large Capital Gains Tax liability does not arise in the future.

Keep abreast of changes in legislation

A comprehensive financial planning review should go beyond just looking at the investments you hold. Changes in tax legislation, and consideration of alternative investment solutions should be an automatic part of every regular financial review. The financial services industry continues to evolve, and with it, new products and solutions are launched that could potentially be appropriate for your objectives.

Another vital element of any financial review is to consider the level of investment risk within the existing strategy. Changes in circumstances, such as your age, overall financial health or particular events such as divorce, the receipt of an inheritance or the need to pay for long term care, may well mean that the level of risk being taken needs to be adjusted.

Peace of mind

Perhaps the hardest benefit of a regular financial review to quantify is the confidence gained that your financial wellbeing has received a thorough health check. This can give considerable peace of mind that investments remain appropriately invested and actions have been taken to minimise tax and keep the overall plan aligned to your circumstances and objectives.

If you have received financial planning advice in the past, but do not regularly engage with a financial planner to reassess the original plans and undertake a review, you run the risk that your financial plans fail to keep up with updated legislation and evolving investment trends or don’t adjust to changes in your situation. Similarly, if you have undertaken investment planning without the benefit of an advisor, you may not be aware of other solutions that may be more appropriate to your circumstances. A comprehensive review from an experienced and independent advisor could identify changes which could reduce costs, enhance performance and save tax.

Independent and Expert advice

At FAS, we take great pride in the comprehensive regular review process we undertake with our clients. We see the regular review as being as important as the initial recommendations, and as we take a holistic approach, we look at all aspects of our clients’ financial arrangements during a financial review, taking into account subjects such as inheritance tax planning, gifting, income production, and tax efficiency. Speak to one of our experienced, independent advisers who will be happy to take a look at your existing arrangements and provide you with an unbiased and comprehensive review.