Over the years we have given our support to many local charities, fundraising events and sponsorships recognising how important this is.
Below are some of the amazing charities and causes we support:

Holding on
and Letting Go
Holding On Letting Go support bereaved children and young people (agree 6-16) and their families and carers, in Kent, who have experienced the death of an important person in their lives. They run bereavement weekend workshops with crafts, music, memory boxes and a release of balloons to symbolise the letting go of the pain and holding on to the love and memories.

Martha Trust is a unique and inspiring charity that supports young people and adults with profound physical and multiple learning disabilities. They encourage them to explore the world around them and take an active role in their community. The Martha Trust also provides lifetime care in a safe and loving environment.

Young Lives
Young Lives Foundation is an award winning children’s charity supporting over 3,500 vulnerable people across Kent, ranging from children who are disengaged in education to young adults leaving the care system. YLF believe every young person in need should have access to the resources and opportunities needed for them to achieve their potential and lead fulfilled lives.
”“Over the years we have given our support to many local charities, fundraising events and sponsorships to help raise awareness of some of the incredible work taking place across Kent. The generosity and dedication of all those involved within the charity sector is heart-warming. We meet people from all walks of life who are actively involved in charity work – as trustees, treasurers, volunteers or mentors. Their energy, creativity and commitment to their cause is uplifting and really does make a difference. FAS is delighted to be a sponsor of The Kent Charity Awards. the perfect platform to be able to recognise and reward the hard work and achievements of so many good people, whilst raising the profiles of their respective charities.”
Amanda Reeves, MD
FAS are proud to be ambassadors of the Kent Wildlife Trust and sponsors of The Kent Charity Awards…
The Kent Wildlife Trust has over 800,000 members and comprises a range of independent charities which preserve and rescue wildlife and wild places. We are delighted to support their work with nature reserves, habitat restoration and saving species.
The Kent Charity Awards were established to recognise the hard, positive work of charities in and around Kent. This is currently the only award of its kind in our local area, and we are proud to be sponsors of this effort to showcase our third sector to the wider world.