Many outside of our industry may not be familiar with the role of a paraplanner within a financial services firm. The National Careers Service defines a paraplanner as an individual that helps a financial adviser with technical and administrative tasks. Whilst this may be true, this definition barely covers the varied and highly skilled work undertaken by our own paraplanning team, which is integral to the continued success of the business.
Our paraplanning team
The FAS paraplanning team is office based and consists of seven staff split across our Folkestone and Maidstone offices. Boasting many years of combined industry experience, the team provide vital support in all aspects of the business, from report writing to financial analysis and calculations. We continue to strengthen our dedicated team of paraplanners to support growth in the business.
FAS paraplanners
It is fair to say that the paraplanners at FAS need to be skilled in several areas, as these various strengths are called upon daily depending on the nature of the job in hand. Primarily, the FAS paraplanning role is to compile client recommendation reports following adviser meetings. Working closely with the advisory team, our paraplanners have a major input in the preparation of the report letter, together with the collation of supporting documentation, such as illustrations and key features documents.
Our paraplanners often engage with clients in relation to reports that have been issued, and as a result, many FAS clients may well become familiar with some of our paraplanning team through direct contact.
A key element of the paraplanner’s role is to undertake the necessary research and analysis to support the recommendation being made to a client, involving the use of industry leading financial research software. The team often liaise with product providers to discuss how an investment is implemented whilst obtaining the necessary forms or documentation, as required.
As an independent firm of advisers, we can recommend financial solutions from across the whole of the market. Our paraplanning team take full advantage of our independent status when preparing recommendation reports by comparing a wide range of product costs and features, which are then discussed with advisers before completing the report.
Once a client proceeds with a recommendation, it is the responsibility of the paraplanner to check the returned signed documentation and notify our administration team of any important considerations, so that the implementation stage goes as smoothly as possible. There is ongoing daily communication between our paraplanning and administration teams to ensure adviser/client needs are adhered to and service standards remain high.
Qualified support
To ensure that the highest level of technical knowledge and support is given, all our paraplanners are at least Diploma qualified – the Chartered Insurance Institute’s Diploma requires the student to pass six examinations, covering all areas of financial advice, including regulation and industry ethics.
In fact, several of our paraplanners have reached Chartered status, which means that they have attained the highest standard of qualification in the industry. This helps demonstrate the importance we place on delivering the very best advice from highly qualified individuals.
FAS follow a strict regime of continuing professional development to ensure its staff keep themselves fully abreast of changes in legislation and reinforce their technical knowledge. Our paraplanning team are required to undertake a prescribed number of hours of learning each year, covering a wide range of topics. This ensures our paraplanners keep up to date with any changes in taxation rules, as well as regulatory requirements and compliance.
Meeting preparation
Our paraplanners often assist advisers in preparing the necessary documentation for a client review meeting. We provide a robust review service, and preparation is needed in advance of a meeting, so that an adviser has access to detailed performance return calculations and supporting evidence to aid discussion with a client. The paraplanner’s role here is not just limited to gathering and collating data, as advisers and paraplanners will work together to discuss financial planning opportunities that may require discussion at a client meeting, and the preparation of a meeting agenda.
Technical expertise
We often find that our clients have complex financial circumstances, where finding the right solution and strategy is key to successful financial planning. Our paraplanning team use their technical skills to prepare tax calculations, cash flow analysis and formulate strategic plans, in conjunction with the lead adviser, to ensure that the most appropriate recommendation is made to a client. Often specialist knowledge is required, for example where Trust planning or Inheritance Tax mitigation is the desired course of action.
Dealing with compliance
Compliance with regulatory requirements is a vital and necessary part of the role of a paraplanner. Our paraplanners need to ensure that recommendation reports are produced in a compliant manner, and that record keeping of the analysis and research undertaken to support a recommendation is correctly documented.
A team effort
The paraplanning team at FAS play a key role in the business, assisting advisers with key research, analysis, meeting preparation and the writing of recommendation reports issued to clients. Working in conjunction with our administration and adviser teams, our paraplanners also provide vital support to all other areas of the business, such as collating tax return information for accountants and portfolio details for probate cases.
We hope you have enjoyed this further look behind the scenes, and in the next and final part of the series, we will focus on our adviser team.