Private medical insurance (PMI) pays for private health treatment. Depending on your budget, you choose what you want covered – just in-patient or day-patient treatment, or out-patient consultations and medical tests. PMI pays for the treatment of acute conditions only. It does not cover chronic conditions (except, generally, at onset) and pre-existing conditions may also be excluded. As part of the response to the Covid-19 outbreak, providers are continuing to delay non-urgent treatments to free up beds for the NHS. Treatments will be delivered and funded by the provider once the beds are no longer required.
Health cash plans pay for everyday health costs, typically 75%–100% of costs for dentistry, optical and consultation costs, plus a small sum for each day spent in hospital, subject to an annual limit. Other dental options include capitation (maintenance) plans, which are agreed with your dentist and cover likely costs over the next year, and dental insurance. Plans may require an initial waiting period to stop people taking out cover for known treatment then cancelling the policy.
We can assist you in obtaining medical insurance by researching the marketplace for the most suitable cover. So, if you wish to discuss this area of protection in more detail, please do get in touch.